With the rise of direct contract, freelance, and polywork more individuals are venturing into sole entrepreneurship. These roles are defined by being compensated with time for cash, so time spent managing your business is a drag on your potential revenue. Whether clients agree to retained, hourly or project-defined work all contract is defined by this exchange.
Your Virtual Back Office
dStaff is a virtual assistant; with managed automated workflows that handle the non-revenue driving aspects of owning your business. We’ve found that there are (3) three high-impact points of contact for all sole entrepreneurs that are simplified using automated workflows and on-chain assets building an immutable, public proof of reputation. By simplifying these three points (Hire, Deliver, Paid) we eliminate client management for the business owner, allowing them to focus on delivering revenue-driving results for their clients.
Hire Utilizing webforms clients and contractors create simple, fillable scope of work documentation available through templates or customized legal documents. When both parties e-sign the scope of work a pair of linked, transformable NFTs are minted and shared to both wallets. This signifies the public start of a business relationship. The scope of work is linked to the NFT but is available only through our off-chain web app.
Determined by the scope of work contractors will provide routine, prompted deliveries of “Proof of Work” through the dStaff web app. When accepted by the client an on-chain NFT is minted signifying the continuation of the business relationship. These NFTs offer the opportunity to highlight a graphical representation of work and are linked to an invoice.
Over time the volume of Deliver NFTs will transform the initial HIRE NFTs, symbolizing increased value and strength of the relationship.
Partnering with the reputable payment processor Stripe our system automates payment, accounts receivables, and even implementing fees to ensure that invoices are paid securely while minimizing risk to either party. When payment is completed the Deliver NFTs are “burned” building reputation for both clients and contractors.
Proof of Reputation
Contractors can feel like they are stuck in a David v. Goliath battle, regardless of the size of their audience or social status. For contractors, this is why platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer and Fiverr exist, to (allegedly) protect and uphold the relationship between client and contractor. This basic need for verification and protection is why the above platforms have carved out a massive percentage of wage theft up to 30% of industry costs (plus platform fees).
Managed reputation and ensuring good faith agreements isn’t proprietary to hiring marketplaces; in fact, it’s downright common. The answer is simple. Build in public. Through minting, we create permissioned “Proof of” documentation for key moments of work (Hire, Deliver, Paid) that provide public security around reputation and protection for payments. To put it simply, at dStaff we’re in the business of building your “Proof of Reputation” automatically, by helping you automate and manage your non-revenue-driving business tasks.
Simple Experiences Leveraging Blockchain Solutions
Our web-based platform provides automation of repeatable business tasks for contractors and clients, designed to simplify work relationships while building trust and reputation between parties. Leveraging blockchain assets, namely custodial wallets (not for financial use) and dynamic NFT’s we deliver the advantage of public, open-source blockchains without the high experience cost of managing web3.
Learn About DID NFTs?